Friday, June 4, 2010

eBay's abusive sellers.

The sellers listed below are all terrible sellers. The amount of negatives they create by their poor customer service is simply atrocious. Yet, they're allowed to thrive and prosper on eBay while smaller, much better sellers get the shaft.

It really takes a LOT of work to be this bad at selling.

Member id crispmovies 98.9%
Negative 23 (1 month) 549 (6 months) 879 (1 year)

redtagmarket 99.4%
Negative 201 1849 3613

derbycitymedia 98.7%
Negative 16 342 518

moviemarz 99.3%
Negative 66 618 1254

dvdmagnetinc 98.3%
Negative 42 246 385

csdvdstop 98.6%
Negative 43 428 640

collectionstop 98.7%
Negative 48 408 606

digitaldogpounddvd 98%
Negative 22 402 555

abundatrade 98.9%
Negative 15 175 629

moviestop1 98.4%
Negative 57 361 453


  1. the case of the first seller you have posted: he has had over 6500 positives in a month - so your figures are very inaccurate - in the last month, it's less than 1% of customers in a month that are not impressed with his selling - which leaves 99.9 percent who are. He is not a bad seller. Now....I'm sure I could post some really hideous sellers that I've got saved in my fave sellers file, every time I fancy a laugh.

    Same goes for the next seller down as well - in fact, when calculated with his/her 29000+ positives (IN A MONTH!!) it works out to zero percent. yes...nada....nothing...nil.

    So you need to check your figures.

  2. You need to do some research on how feedback is calculated.
